Channel: FHI 360 - Health and access to care
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Uganda Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition Activity


Uganda Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition Activity

The Uganda Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition (MCHN) activity is designed to improve maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) and nutrition outcomes in this country. The activity also supports improved delivery of MNCH and nutrition services in Kampala City through strengthening service delivery systems, focusing on the urban poor in public and private sectors.

The activity, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), closely collaborates with the Government of Uganda at the national and subnational level, private-sector entities, other USAID projects and other development partners. It is implemented by a consortium led by FHI 360 that includes EnCompass LLC, Makerere University School for Public Health, Save the Children and the Uganda Healthcare Federation.

The activity achieves its goals through:

  • Rolling out MNCH and nutrition strategies — such as policies, guidelines, tools, training packages, priority high-impact interventions and practices — at the national and subnational level
  • Strengthening coordination, cooperation and linkages within and between government sectors
  • Improving the functionality and efficiency of government sectors
  • Increasing the use of data for planning, decision making and learning
  • Strengthening leadership and governance for various government sectors
Sub-Saharan AfricaEast and Southern Africa Regional OfficeUgandaJanuary 1, 2020Capacity buildingMonitoring and evaluationQuality assuranceTraining and technical assistancematernalnewbornheathchildnutritionsystemsstrengtheningcapacitybuildingimplementationScienceadaptivelearninginter-sectorcollaborationknowledgeManagementleadershipprivatesectorengagementurbanUganda USAID Health and access to careHealth systems strengtheningImplementation scienceInstitutional strengtheningMaternal and child health: GenderMaternal and child nutritionMaternal, newborn and child healthChild healthMaternal and newborn healthResearch, monitoring and evaluationGenderHealthNutrition

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